Emergent Mind

A Lattice Compress-and-Forward Scheme

Published Mar 29, 2011 in cs.IT and math.IT


We present a nested lattice-code-based strategy that achieves the random-coding based Compress-and-Forward (CF) rate for the three node Gaussian relay channel. To do so, we first outline a lattice-based strategy for the $(X+Z1,X+Z2)$ Wyner-Ziv lossy source-coding with side-information problem in Gaussian noise, a re-interpretation of the nested lattice-code-based Gaussian Wyner-Ziv scheme presented by Zamir, Shamai, and Erez. We use the notation $(X+Z1,X+Z2)$ Wyner-Ziv to mean that the source is of the form $X+ Z1$ and the side-information at the receiver is of the form $X+ Z2$, for independent Gaussian $X, Z1$ and $Z2$. We next use this $(X+Z1,X+Z2)$ Wyner-Ziv scheme to implement a "structured" or lattice-code-based CF scheme which achieves the classic CF rate for Gaussian relay channels. This suggests that lattice codes may not only be useful in point-to-point single-hop source and channel coding, in multiple access and broadcast channels, but that they may also be useful in larger relay networks. The usage of lattice codes in larger networks is motivated by their structured nature (possibly leading to rate gains) and decoding (relatively simple) being more practically realizable than their random coding based counterparts. We furthermore expect the proposed lattice-based CF scheme to constitute a first step towards a generic structured achievability scheme for networks such as a structured version of the recently introduced "noisy network coding".

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