Emergent Mind

On the Certification of the Restricted Isometry Property

Published Mar 25, 2011 in cs.CC and cs.DM


Compressed sensing is a technique for finding sparse solutions to underdetermined linear systems. This technique relies on properties of the sensing matrix such as the restricted isometry property. Sensing matrices that satisfy the restricted isometry property with optimal parameters are mainly obtained via probabilistic arguments. Given any matrix, deciding whether it satisfies the restricted isometry property is a non-trivial computational problem. In this paper, we give reductions from dense subgraph problems to the certification of the restricted isometry property. This gives evidence that certifying the restricted isometry property is unlikely to be feasible in polynomial-time. Moreover, on the positive side we propose an improvement on the brute-force enumeration algorithm for checking the restricted isometry property. Another contribution of independent interest is a spectral algorithm for certifying that a random graph does not contain any dense k-subgraph. This "skewed spectral algorithm" performs better than the basic spectral algorithm in a certain range of parameters.

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