Emergent Mind

A generalization of heterochromatic graphs

Published Feb 23, 2011 in math.CO and cs.DM


In 2006, Suzuki, and Akbari & Alipour independently presented a necessary and sufficient condition for edge-colored graphs to have a heterochromatic spanning tree, where a heterochromatic spanning tree is a spanning tree whose edges have distinct colors. In this paper, we propose $f$-chromatic graphs as a generalization of heterochromatic graphs. An edge-colored graph is $f$-chromatic if each color $c$ appears on at most $f(c)$ edges. We also present a necessary and sufficient condition for edge-colored graphs to have an $f$-chromatic spanning forest with exactly $m$ components. Moreover, using this criterion, we show that a $g$-chromatic graph $G$ of order $n$ with $|E(G)|>\binom{n-m}{2}$ has an $f$-chromatic spanning forest with exactly $m$ ($1 \le m \le n-1$) components if $g(c) \le \frac{|E(G)|}{n-m}f(c)$ for any color $c$.

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