Emergent Mind


The requirements roadmap concept is introduced as a solution to the problem of the requirements engineering of adaptive systems. The concept requires a new general definition of the requirements problem which allows for quantitative (numeric) variables, together with qualitative (binary boolean) propositional variables, and distinguishes monitored from controlled variables for use in control loops. We study the consequences of these changes, and argue that the requirements roadmap concept bridges the gap between current general definitions of the requirements problem and its notion of solution, and the research into the relaxation of requirements, the evaluation of their partial satisfaction, and the monitoring and control of requirements, all topics of particular interest in the engineering of requirements for adaptive systems [Cheng et al. 2009]. From the theoretical perspective, we show clearly and formally the fundamental differences between more traditional conception of requirements engineering (e.g., Zave & Jackson [1997]) and the requirements engineering of adaptive systems (from Fickas & Feather [1995], over Letier & van Lamsweerde [2004], and up to Whittle et al. [2010] and the most recent research). From the engineering perspective, we define a proto-framework for early requirements engineering of adaptive systems, which illustrates the features needed in future requirements frameworks for this class of systems.

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