Emergent Mind

An Algorithmic Analysis of the Honey-Bee Game

Published Feb 15, 2011 in cs.GT


The Honey-Bee game is a two-player board game that is played on a connected hexagonal colored grid or (in a generalized setting) on a connected graph with colored nodes. In a single move, a player calls a color and thereby conquers all the nodes of that color that are adjacent to his own current territory. Both players want to conquer the majority of the nodes. We show that winning the game is PSPACE-hard in general, NP-hard on series-parallel graphs, but easy on outerplanar graphs. In the solitaire version, the goal of the single player is to conquer the entire graph with the minimum number of moves. The solitaire version is NP-hard on trees and split graphs, but can be solved in polynomial time on co-comparability graphs.

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