Emergent Mind

Measurement Bounds for Sparse Signal Ensembles via Graphical Models

Published Feb 14, 2011 in cs.IT and math.IT


In compressive sensing, a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information to permit signal recovery. Distributed compressive sensing (DCS) extends this framework by defining ensemble sparsity models, allowing a correlated ensemble of sparse signals to be jointly recovered from a collection of separately acquired compressive measurements. In this paper, we introduce a framework for modeling sparse signal ensembles that quantifies the intra- and inter-signal dependencies within and among the signals. This framework is based on a novel bipartite graph representation that links the sparse signal coefficients with the measurements obtained for each signal. Using our framework, we provide fundamental bounds on the number of noiseless measurements that each sensor must collect to ensure that the signals are jointly recoverable.

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