Emergent Mind

Optimal prefix codes for pairs of geometrically-distributed random variables

Published Feb 11, 2011 in cs.IT and math.IT


Optimal prefix codes are studied for pairs of independent, integer-valued symbols emitted by a source with a geometric probability distribution of parameter $q$, $0{<}q{<}1$. By encoding pairs of symbols, it is possible to reduce the redundancy penalty of symbol-by-symbol encoding, while preserving the simplicity of the encoding and decoding procedures typical of Golomb codes and their variants. It is shown that optimal codes for these so-called two-dimensional geometric distributions are \emph{singular}, in the sense that a prefix code that is optimal for one value of the parameter $q$ cannot be optimal for any other value of $q$. This is in sharp contrast to the one-dimensional case, where codes are optimal for positive-length intervals of the parameter $q$. Thus, in the two-dimensional case, it is infeasible to give a compact characterization of optimal codes for all values of the parameter $q$, as was done in the one-dimensional case. Instead, optimal codes are characterized for a discrete sequence of values of $q$ that provide good coverage of the unit interval. Specifically, optimal prefix codes are described for $q=2{-1/k}$ ($k\ge 1$), covering the range $q\ge 1/2$, and $q=2{-k}$ ($k>1$), covering the range $q<1/2$. The described codes produce the expected reduction in redundancy with respect to the one-dimensional case, while maintaining low complexity coding operations.

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