Emergent Mind

On the resilience of Hamiltonicity and optimal packing of Hamilton cycles in random graphs

Published Jan 16, 2011 in math.CO , cs.DM , and math.PR


Let $\bk=(k1,...,kn)$ be a sequence of $n$ integers. For an increasing monotone graph property $\mP$ we say that a base graph $G=([n],E)$ is \emph{$\bk$-resilient} with respect to $\mP$ if for every subgraph $H\subseteq G$ such that $dH(i)\leq ki$ for every $1\leq i\leq n$ the graph $G-H$ possesses $\mP$. This notion naturally extends the idea of the \emph{local resilience} of graphs recently initiated by Sudakov and Vu. In this paper we study the $\bk$-resilience of a typical graph from $\GNP$ with respect to the Hamiltonicity property where we let $p$ range over all values for which the base graph is expected to be Hamiltonian. In particular, we prove that for every $\epsilon>0$ and $p\geq\frac{\ln n+\ln\ln n +\omega(1)}{n}$ if a graph is sampled from $\GNP$ then with high probability removing from each vertex of "small" degree all incident edges but two and from any other vertex at most a $(\frac{1}{3}-\epsilon)$-fraction of the incident edges will result in a Hamiltonian graph. Considering this generalized approach to the notion of resilience allows to establish several corollaries which improve on the best known bounds of Hamiltonicity related questions. It implies that for every positive $\epsilon>0$ and large enough values of $K$, if $p>\frac{K\ln n}{n}$ then with high probability the local resilience of $\GNP$ with respect to being Hamiltonian is at least $(1-\epsilon)np/3$, improving on the previous bound for this range of $p$. Another implication is a result on optimal packing of edge disjoint Hamilton cycles in a random graph. We prove that if $p\leq\frac{1.02\ln n}{n}$ then with high probability a graph $G$ sampled from $\GNP$ contains $\lfloor\frac{\delta(G)}{2}\rfloor$ edge disjoint Hamilton cycles, extending the previous range of $p$ for which this was known to hold.

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