Emergent Mind

Contracting planar graphs to contractions of triangulations

Published Dec 11, 2010 in math.CO and cs.DM


For every graph $H$, there exists a polynomial-time algorithm deciding if a planar input graph $G$ can be contracted to~$H$. However, the degree of the polynomial depends on the size of $H$. In this paper, we identify a class of graphs $\cal C$ such that for every $H \in \cal C$, there exists an algorithm deciding in time $f(|V(H)|) \cdot |V(G)|{\bigO{1}}$ whether a planar graph $G$ can be contracted to~$H$. (The function $f(\cdot)$ does not depend on $G$.) The class $\cal C$ is the closure of planar triangulated graphs under taking of contractions. In fact, we prove that a graph $H \in \cal C$ if and only if there exists a constant $cH$ such that if the tree-width of a graph is at least $cH$, it contains $H$ as a contraction. We also provide a characterization of $\cal C$ in terms of minimal forbidden contractions.

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