Emergent Mind

A Generalized Streaming Model for Concurrent Computing

Published Dec 7, 2010 in cs.PL and cs.DC


Multicore parallel programming has some very difficult problems such as deadlocks during synchronizations and race conditions brought by concurrency. Added to the difficulty is the lack of a simple, well-accepted computing model for multicore architectures--because of that it is hard to develop powerful programming environments and debugging tools. To tackle the challenges, we promote a generalized stream computing model, inspired by previous researches on stream computing, that unifies parallelization strategies for programming language design, compiler design and operating system design. Our model provides a high-level abstraction in designing language constructs to convey concepts of concurrent operations, in organizing a program's runtime layout for parallel execution, and in scheduling concurrent instruction blocks through runtime and/or operating systems. In this paper, we give a high-level description of the proposed model: we define the foundation of the model, show its simplicity through algebraic/computational operation analysis, illustrate a programming framework enabled by the model, and demonstrate its potential through powerful design options for programming languages, compilers and operating systems.

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