Emergent Mind


An asymptotic technique is developed to find the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) and spectral efficiency of a link with N receiver antennas in wireless networks with non-homogeneous distributions of nodes. It is found that with appropriate normalization, the SINR and spectral efficiency converge with probability 1 to asymptotic limits as N increases. This technique is applied to networks with power-law node intensities, which includes homogeneous networks as a special case, to find a simple approximation for the spectral efficiency. It is found that for receivers in dense clusters, the SINR grows with N at rates higher than that of homogeneous networks and that constant spectral efficiencies can be maintained if the ratio of N to node density is constant. This result also enables the analysis of a new scaling regime where the distribution of nodes in the network flattens rather than increases uniformly. It is found that in many cases in this regime, N needs to grow approximately exponentially to maintain a constant spectral efficiency. In addition to strengthening previously known results for homogeneous networks, these results provide insight into the benefit of using antenna arrays in non-homogeneous wireless networks, for which few results are available in the literature.

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