Emergent Mind

Discrete Partitioning and Coverage Control for Gossiping Robots

Published Nov 8, 2010 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and math.OC


We propose distributed algorithms to automatically deploy a team of mobile robots to partition and provide coverage of a non-convex environment. To handle arbitrary non-convex environments, we represent them as graphs. Our partitioning and coverage algorithm requires only short-range, unreliable pairwise "gossip" communication. The algorithm has two components: (1) a motion protocol to ensure that neighboring robots communicate at least sporadically, and (2) a pairwise partitioning rule to update territory ownership when two robots communicate. By studying an appropriate dynamical system on the space of partitions of the graph vertices, we prove that territory ownership converges to a pairwise-optimal partition in finite time. This new equilibrium set represents improved performance over common Lloyd-type algorithms. Additionally, we detail how our algorithm scales well for large teams in large environments and how the computation can run in anytime with limited resources. Finally, we report on large-scale simulations in complex environments and hardware experiments using the Player/Stage robot control system.

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