Emergent Mind

Colour Guided Colour Image Steganography

Published Oct 19, 2010 in cs.MM


Information security has become a cause of concern because of the electronic eavesdropping. Capacity, robustness and invisibility are important parameters in information hiding and are quite difficult to achieve in a single algorithm. This paper proposes a novel steganography technique for digital color image which achieves the purported targets. The professed methodology employs a complete random scheme for pixel selection and embedding of data. Of the three colour channels (Red, Green, Blue) in a given colour image, the least two significant bits of any one of the channels of the color image is used to channelize the embedding capacity of the remaining two channels. We have devised three approaches to achieve various levels of our desired targets. In the first approach, Red is the default guide but it results in localization of MSE in the remaining two channels, which makes it slightly vulnerable. In the second approach, user gets the liberty to select the guiding channel (Red, Green or Blue) to guide the remaining two channels. It will increase the robustness and imperceptibility of the embedded image however the MSE factor will still remain as a drawback. The third approach improves the performance factor as a cyclic methodology is employed and the guiding channel is selected in a cyclic fashion. This ensures the uniform distribution of MSE, which gives better robustness and imperceptibility along with enhanced embedding capacity. The imperceptibility has been enhanced by suitably adapting optimal pixel adjustment process (OPAP) on the stego covers.

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