Emergent Mind


The group lasso is a penalized regression method, used in regression problems where the covariates are partitioned into groups to promote sparsity at the group level. Existing methods for finding the group lasso estimator either use gradient projection methods to update the entire coefficient vector simultaneously at each step, or update one group of coefficients at a time using an inexact line search to approximate the optimal value for the group of coefficients when all other groups' coefficients are fixed. We present a new method of computation for the group lasso in the linear regression case, the Single Line Search (SLS) algorithm, which operates by computing the exact optimal value for each group (when all other coefficients are fixed) with one univariate line search. We perform simulations demonstrating that the SLS algorithm is often more efficient than existing computational methods. We also extend the SLS algorithm to the sparse group lasso problem via the Signed Single Line Search (SSLS) algorithm, and give theoretical results to support both algorithms.

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