Emergent Mind

Multiple Access Channels with Cooperative Encoders and Channel State Information

Published Sep 29, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


The two-user Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with cooperative encoders and Channel State Information (CSI) is considered where two different scenarios are investigated: A two-user MAC with common message (MACCM) and a two-user MAC with conferencing encoders (MACCE). For both situations, the two cases where the CSI is known to the encoders either non-causally or causally are studied. Achievable rate regions are established for both discrete memoryless channels and Gaussian channels with additive interference. The achievable rate regions derived for the Gaussian models with additive interference known non-causally to the encoders are shown to coincide with the capacity region of the same channel with no interference. Therefore, the capacity region for such channels is established.

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