Emergent Mind

A Mobile Application for Smart House Remote Control System

Published Sep 27, 2010 in cs.OH


At the start of the second decade of 21th century, the time has come to make the Smart Houses a reality for regular use. The different parts of a Smart House are researched but there are still distances from an applicable system, using the modern technology. In this paper we present an overview of the Smart House subsystems necessary for controlling the house using a mobile application efficiently and securely. The sequence diagram of the mobile application connecting to the server application and also the use-cases possible are presented. The challenges faced in designing the mobile application and illustrating the updated house top plane view in that application, are discussed and solutions are adapted for it. Finally the designed mobile application was implemented and the important sections of it were described, such as the interactive house top view map which indicates the status of the devices using predefined icons. The facilities to manage the scheduled tasks and defined rules are also implemented in this mobile application that was developed for use in Windows Mobile platform. This application has the capability of connecting to the main server using GPRS mobile internet and SMS. This system is expected to be an important step towards a unified system structure that can be used efficiently in near future regular houses.

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