Emergent Mind

New and improved Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings via the Restricted Isometry Property

Published Sep 3, 2010 in cs.IT , math.IT , math.NA , and math.PR


Consider an m by N matrix Phi with the Restricted Isometry Property of order k and level delta, that is, the norm of any k-sparse vector in RN is preserved to within a multiplicative factor of 1 +- delta under application of Phi. We show that by randomizing the column signs of such a matrix Phi, the resulting map with high probability embeds any fixed set of p = O(ek) points in RN into Rm without distorting the norm of any point in the set by more than a factor of 1 +- delta. Consequently, matrices with the Restricted Isometry Property and with randomized column signs provide optimal Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings up to logarithmic factors in N. In particular, our results improve the best known bounds on the necessary embedding dimension m for a wide class of structured random matrices; for partial Fourier and partial Hadamard matrices, we improve the recent bound m = O(delta-4 log(p) log4(N)) appearing in Ailon and Liberty to m = O(delta-2 log(p) log4(N)), which is optimal up to the logarithmic factors in N. Our results also have a direct application in the area of compressed sensing for redundant dictionaries.

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