Emergent Mind

Fast, precise and dynamic distance queries

Published Aug 9, 2010 in cs.DS


We present an approximate distance oracle for a point set S with n points and doubling dimension {\lambda}. For every {\epsilon}>0, the oracle supports (1+{\epsilon})-approximate distance queries in (universal) constant time, occupies space [{\epsilon}{-O({\lambda})} + 2{O({\lambda} log {\lambda})}]n, and can be constructed in [2{O({\lambda})} log3 n + {\epsilon}{-O({\lambda})} + 2{O({\lambda} log {\lambda})}]n expected time. This improves upon the best previously known constructions, presented by Har-Peled and Mendel. Furthermore, the oracle can be made fully dynamic with expected O(1) query time and only 2{O({\lambda})} log n + {\epsilon}{-O({\lambda})} + 2{O({\lambda} log {\lambda})} update time. This is the first fully dynamic (1+{\epsilon})-distance oracle.

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