Emergent Mind

Secure Joint Source-Channel Coding With Side Information

Published Aug 2, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


In this work, the problem of transmitting an i.i.d Gaussian source over an i.i.d Gaussian wiretap channel with an i.i.d Gaussian side information is considered. The intended receiver is assumed to have a certain minimum SNR and the eavesdropper is assumed to have a strictly lower SNR compared to the intended receiver. The objective is minimizing the distortion of source reconstruction at the intended receiver. In this work, it is shown that unlike the Gaussian wiretap channel without side information, Shannon's source-channel separation coding scheme is not optimum in the sense of achieving the minimum distortion. Three hybrid digital-analog secure joint source channel coding schemes are then proposed which achieve the minimum distortion. The first coding scheme is based on Costa's dirty paper coding scheme and wiretap channel coding scheme when the analog source is not explicitly quantized. The second coding scheme is based on the superposition of the secure digital signal and the hybrid digital-analog signal. It is shown that for the problem of communicating a Gaussian source over a Gaussian wiretap channel with side information, there exists an infinite family of optimum secure joint source-channel coding scheme. In the third coding scheme, the quantized signal and the analog error signal are explicitly superimposed. It is shown that this scheme provides an infinite family of optimum secure joint source-channel channel coding schemes with a variable number of binning. Finally, the proposed secure hybrid digital-analog schemes are analyzed under the main channel SNR mismatch. It is proven that the proposed schemes can give a graceful degradation of distortion with SNR under SNR mismatch, i.e., when the actual SNR is larger than the designed SNR.

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