Emergent Mind

Optimal Path Planning under Temporal Logic Constraints

Published Jul 13, 2010 in cs.RO


In this paper we present a method for automatically generating optimal robot trajectories satisfying high level mission specifications. The motion of the robot in the environment is modeled as a general transition system, enhanced with weighted transitions. The mission is specified by a general linear temporal logic formula. In addition, we require that an optimizing proposition must be repeatedly satisfied. The cost function that we seek to minimize is the maximum time between satisfying instances of the optimizing proposition. For every environment model, and for every formula, our method computes a robot trajectory which minimizes the cost function. The problem is motivated by applications in robotic monitoring and data gathering. In this setting, the optimizing proposition is satisfied at all locations where data can be uploaded, and the entire formula specifies a complex (and infinite horizon) data collection mission. Our method utilizes B\"uchi automata to produce an automaton (which can be thought of as a graph) whose runs satisfy the temporal logic specification. We then present a graph algorithm which computes a path corresponding to the optimal robot trajectory. We also present an implementation for a robot performing a data gathering mission in a road network.

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