Emergent Mind


We determine the thresholds for the number of variables, number of clauses, number of clause intersection pairs and the maximum clause degree of a k-CNF formula that guarantees satisfiability under the assumption that every two clauses share at most $\alpha$ variables. More formally, we call these formulas $\alpha$-intersecting and define, for example, a threshold $\mui(k,\alpha)$ for the number of clause intersection pairs $i$, such that every $\alpha$-intersecting k-CNF formula in which at most $\mui(k,\alpha)$ pairs of clauses share a variable is satisfiable and there exists an unsatisfiable $\alpha$-intersecting k-CNF formula with $\mum(k,\alpha)$ such intersections. We provide a lower bound for these thresholds based on the Lovasz Local Lemma and a nearly matching upper bound by constructing an unsatisfiable k-CNF to show that $\mui(k,\alpha) = \tilde{\Theta}(2{k(2+1/\alpha)})$. Similar thresholds are determined for the number of variables ($\mun = \tilde{\Theta}(2{k/\alpha})$) and the number of clauses ($\mum = \tilde{\Theta}(2{k(1+\frac{1}{\alpha})})$) (see [Scheder08] for an earlier but independent report on this threshold). Our upper bound construction gives a family of unsatisfiable formula that achieve all four thresholds simultaneously.

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