Emergent Mind

Content Base Image Retrieval Using Phong Shading

Published May 24, 2010 in cs.MM and cs.IR


The digital image data is rapidly expanding in quantity and heterogeneity. The traditional information retrieval techniques does not meet the user's demand, so there is need to develop an efficient system for content based image retrieval. Content based image retrieval means retrieval of images from database on the basis of visual features of image like as color, texture etc. In our proposed method feature are extracted after applying Phong shading on input image. Phong shading, flattering out the dull surfaces of the image The features are extracted using color, texture & edge density methods. Feature extracted values are used to find the similarity between input query image and the data base image. It can be measure by the Euclidean distance formula. The experimental result shows that the proposed approach has a better retrieval results with phong shading.

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