Emergent Mind

Evolution with Drifting Targets

Published May 19, 2010 in cs.LG


We consider the question of the stability of evolutionary algorithms to gradual changes, or drift, in the target concept. We define an algorithm to be resistant to drift if, for some inverse polynomial drift rate in the target function, it converges to accuracy 1 -- \epsilon , with polynomial resources, and then stays within that accuracy indefinitely, except with probability \epsilon , at any one time. We show that every evolution algorithm, in the sense of Valiant (2007; 2009), can be converted using the Correlational Query technique of Feldman (2008), into such a drift resistant algorithm. For certain evolutionary algorithms, such as for Boolean conjunctions, we give bounds on the rates of drift that they can resist. We develop some new evolution algorithms that are resistant to significant drift. In particular, we give an algorithm for evolving linear separators over the spherically symmetric distribution that is resistant to a drift rate of O(\epsilon /n), and another algorithm over the more general product normal distributions that resists a smaller drift rate. The above translation result can be also interpreted as one on the robustness of the notion of evolvability itself under changes of definition. As a second result in that direction we show that every evolution algorithm can be converted to a quasi-monotonic one that can evolve from any starting point without the performance ever dipping significantly below that of the starting point. This permits the somewhat unnatural feature of arbitrary performance degradations to be removed from several known robustness translations.

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