Emergent Mind

Multi-sensorial interaction with a nano-scale phenomenon : the force curve

Published May 18, 2010 in cs.GR , cs.HC , and physics.comp-ph


Using Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) to manipulate nano-objects is an actual challenge for surface scientists. Basic haptic interfacesbetween the AFM and experimentalists have already been implemented. Themulti-sensory renderings (seeing, hearing and feeling) studied from acognitive point of view increase the efficiency of the actual interfaces. Toallow the experimentalist to feel and touch the nano-world, we add mixedrealities between an AFM and a force feedback device, enriching thus thedirect connection by a modeling engine. We present in this paper the firstresults from a real-time remote-control handling of an AFM by our ForceFeedback Gestural Device through the example of the approach-retract curve.

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