Emergent Mind

Split-Extended LDPC codes for coded cooperation

Published Apr 29, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


We propose a new code design that aims to distribute an LDPC code over a relay channel. It is based on a split-and-extend approach, which allows the relay to split the set of bits connected to some parity-check of the LDPC code into two or several subsets. Subsequently, the sums of bits within each subset are used in a repeat-accumulate manner in order to generate extra bits sent from the relay toward the destination. We show that the proposed design yields LDPC codes with enhanced correction capacity and can be advantageously applied to existing codes, which allows for addressing cooperation issues for evolving standards. Finally, we derive density evolution equations for the proposed design, and we show that Split-Extended LDPC codes can approach very closely the capacity of the Gaussian relay channel.

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