Emergent Mind

Notations Around the World: Census and Exploitation

Published Apr 28, 2010 in cs.DL


Mathematical notations around the world are diverse. Not as much as requiring computing machines' makers to adapt to each culture, but as much as to disorient a person landing on a web-page with a text in mathematics. In order to understand better this diversity, we are building a census of notations: it should allow any content creator or mathematician to grasp which mathematical notation is used in which language and culture. The census is built collaboratively, collected in pages with a given semantic and presenting observations of the widespread notations being used in existing materials by a graphical extract. We contend that our approach should dissipate the fallacies found here and there about the notations in "other cultures" so that a better understanding of the cultures can be realized. The exploitation of the census in the math-bridge project is also presented: this project aims at taking learners "where they are in their math-knowledge" and bring them to a level ready to start engineering studies. The census serves as definitive reference for the transformation elements that generate the rendering of formul{\ae} in web-browsers.

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