Emergent Mind

Distance Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Published Apr 22, 2010 in cs.CC , cs.LO , and math.LO


We study the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems for templates $\Gamma$ that are first-order definable in $(\Bbb Z; succ)$, the integers with the successor relation. Assuming a widely believed conjecture from finite domain constraint satisfaction (we require the tractability conjecture by Bulatov, Jeavons and Krokhin in the special case of transitive finite templates), we provide a full classification for the case that Gamma is locally finite (i.e., the Gaifman graph of $\Gamma$ has finite degree). We show that one of the following is true: The structure Gamma is homomorphically equivalent to a structure with a d-modular maximum or minimum polymorphism and $\mathrm{CSP}(\Gamma)$ can be solved in polynomial time, or $\Gamma$ is homomorphically equivalent to a finite transitive structure, or $\mathrm{CSP}(\Gamma)$ is NP-complete.

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