Emergent Mind

Phase Transitions for Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithms

Published Apr 11, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


A major enterprise in compressed sensing and sparse approximation is the design and analysis of computationally tractable algorithms for recovering sparse, exact or approximate, solutions of underdetermined linear systems of equations. Many such algorithms have now been proven to have optimal-order uniform recovery guarantees using the ubiquitous Restricted Isometry Property (RIP). However, it is unclear when the RIP-based sufficient conditions on the algorithm are satisfied. We present a framework in which this task can be achieved; translating these conditions for Gaussian measurement matrices into requirements on the signal's sparsity level, length, and number of measurements. We illustrate this approach on three of the state-of-the-art greedy algorithms: CoSaMP, Subspace Pursuit (SP), and Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT). Designed to allow a direct comparison of existing theory, our framework implies that, according to the best known bounds, IHT requires the fewest number of compressed sensing measurements and has the lowest per iteration computational cost of the three algorithms compared here.

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