Emergent Mind

Measuring and Synthesizing Systems in Probabilistic Environments

Published Apr 5, 2010 in cs.LO , cs.FL , and cs.GT


Often one has a preference order among the different systems that satisfy a given specification. Under a probabilistic assumption about the possible inputs, such a preference order is naturally expressed by a weighted automaton, which assigns to each word a value, such that a system is preferred if it generates a higher expected value. We solve the following optimal-synthesis problem: given an omega-regular specification, a Markov chain that describes the distribution of inputs, and a weighted automaton that measures how well a system satisfies the given specification under the given input assumption, synthesize a system that optimizes the measured value. For safety specifications and measures given by mean-payoff automata, the optimal-synthesis problem amounts to finding a strategy in a Markov decision process (MDP) that is optimal for a long-run average reward objective, which can be done in polynomial time. For general omega-regular specifications, the solution rests on a new, polynomial-time algorithm for computing optimal strategies in MDPs with mean-payoff parity objectives. Our algorithm generates optimal strategies consisting of two memoryless strategies and a counter. This counter is in general not bounded. To obtain a finite-state system, we show how to construct an \epsilon-optimal strategy with a bounded counter for any \epsilon>0. We also show how to decide in polynomial time if we can construct an optimal finite-state system (i.e., a system without a counter) for a given specification. We have implemented our approach in a tool that takes qualitative and quantitative specifications and automatically constructs a system that satisfies the qualitative specification and optimizes the quantitative specification, if such a system exists. We present experimental results showing optimal systems that were generated in this way.

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