Emergent Mind

Linear tail-biting trellises: Characteristic generators and the BCJR-construction

Published Mar 23, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


We investigate the constructions of tail-biting trellises for linear block codes introduced by Koetter/Vardy (2003) and Nori/Shankar (2006). For a given code we will define the sets of characteristic generators more generally than by Koetter/Vardy and we will investigate how the choice of characteristic generators affects the set of resulting product trellises, called KV-trellises. Furthermore, we will show that each KV-trellis is a BCJR-trellis, defined in a slightly stronger sense than by Nori/Shankar, and that the latter are always non-mergeable. Finally, we will address a duality conjecture of Koetter/Vardy by making use of a dualization technique of BCJR-trellises and prove the conjecture for minimal trellises.

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