Emergent Mind

QoS Based Dynamic Web Services Composition & Execution

Published Mar 7, 2010 in cs.OH


The use of web services has dominated software industry. Existing technologies of web services are extended to give value added customized services to customers through composition. Automated web service composition is a very challenging task. This paper proposed the solution of existing problems and proposed a technique by combination of interface based and functionality based rules. The proposed framework also solves the issues related to unavailability of updated information and inaccessibility of web services from repository/databases due to any fault/failure. It provides updated information problem by adding aging factor in repository/WSDB (Web Services Database) and inaccessibility is solved by replication of WSDB. We discussed data distribution techniques and proposed our framework by using one of these strategies by considering quality of service issues. Finally, our algorithm eliminates the dynamic service composition and execution issues, supports web service composition considering QoS (Quality of Service), efficient data retrieval and updation, fast service distribution and fault tolerance.

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