Emergent Mind

Minimum and maximum against k lies

Published Feb 2, 2010 in cs.DS , cs.CC , and cs.GT


A neat 1972 result of Pohl asserts that [3n/2]-2 comparisons are sufficient, and also necessary in the worst case, for finding both the minimum and the maximum of an n-element totally ordered set. The set is accessed via an oracle for pairwise comparisons. More recently, the problem has been studied in the context of the Renyi-Ulam liar games, where the oracle may give up to k false answers. For large k, an upper bound due to Aigner shows that (k+O(\sqrt{k}))n comparisons suffice. We improve on this by providing an algorithm with at most (k+1+C)n+O(k3) comparisons for some constant C. The known lower bounds are of the form (k+1+ck)n-D, for some constant D, where c0=0.5, c1=23/32=0.71875, and ck=\Omega(2{-5k/4}) as k goes to infinity.

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