Emergent Mind

Rate Region of the Gaussian Scalar-Help-Vector Source-Coding Problem

Published Jan 26, 2010 in cs.IT and math.IT


We determine the rate region of the Gaussian scalar-help-vector source-coding problem under a covariance matrix distortion constraint. The rate region is achieved by a Gaussian achievable scheme. We introduce a novel outer bounding technique to establish the converse of the main result. Our approach is based on lower bounding the problem with a potentially reduced dimensional problem by projecting the main source and imposing the distortion constraint in certain directions determined by the optimal Gaussian scheme. We also prove several properties that the optimal solution to the point-to-point rate-distortion problem for a vector Gaussian source under a covariance matrix distortion constraint satisfies. These properties play an important role in our converse proof. We further establish an outer bound to the rate region of the more general problem in which there are distortion constraints on both the sources. The outer bound is partially tight in general. We also study its tightness in some nontrivial cases.

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