Emergent Mind


Admission control is a key component in multimedia servers, which will allow the resources to be used by the client only when they are available. A problem faced by numerous content serving machines is overload, when there are too many clients who need to be served, the server tends to slow down. An admission control algorithm for a multimedia server is responsible for determining if a new request can be accepted without violating the QoS requirements of the existing requests in the system. By caching and streaming only the data in the interval between two successive requests on the same object, the following request can be serviced directly from the buffer cache without disk operations and within the deadline of the request. An admission control strategy based on Popularity-aware interval caching for Prefix [3] scheme extends the interval caching by considering different popularity of multimedia objects. The method of Prefix caching with multicast transmission of popular objects utilizes the hard disk and network bandwidth efficiently and increases the number of requests being served.

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