Emergent Mind

Increasing stability and interpretability of gene expression signatures

Published Jan 18, 2010 in stat.ML , q-bio.GN , q-bio.QM , and stat.AP


Motivation : Molecular signatures for diagnosis or prognosis estimated from large-scale gene expression data often lack robustness and stability, rendering their biological interpretation challenging. Increasing the signature's interpretability and stability across perturbations of a given dataset and, if possible, across datasets, is urgently needed to ease the discovery of important biological processes and, eventually, new drug targets. Results : We propose a new method to construct signatures with increased stability and easier interpretability. The method uses a gene network as side interpretation and enforces a large connectivity among the genes in the signature, leading to signatures typically made of genes clustered in a few subnetworks. It combines the recently proposed graph Lasso procedure with a stability selection procedure. We evaluate its relevance for the estimation of a prognostic signature in breast cancer, and highlight in particular the increase in interpretability and stability of the signature.

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