Emergent Mind

On the pinning strategy of complex networks

Published Jan 9, 2010 in physics.soc-ph , cond-mat.dis-nn , and cs.NI


In pinning control of complex networks, a tacit believing is that the system dynamics will be better controlled by pinning the large-degree nodes than the small-degree ones. Here, by changing the number of pinned nodes, we find that, when a significant fraction of the network nodes are pinned, pinning the small-degree nodes could generally have a higher performance than pinning the large-degree nodes. We demonstrate this interesting phenomenon on a variety of complex networks, and analyze the underlying mechanisms by the model of star networks. By changing the network properties, we also find that, comparing to densely connected homogeneous networks, the advantage of the small-degree pinning strategy is more distinct in sparsely connected heterogenous networks.

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