Emergent Mind

Analysis on the Study of QoS-Aware Web Services Discovery

Published Dec 20, 2009 in cs.OH


Web service technology has gained more important role in developing distributed applications and systems on the Internet. Rapid growth of published Web services makes their discovery more and more difficult. There exist many web services which exhibit similar functional characteristics. It is imperative to provide service consumers with facilities for selecting required web services according to their non-functional characteristics or QoS. The QoS-based web service discovery mechanisms will play an essential role in SOA, as e-Business applications want to use services that most accurately meet their requirements. However, representing and storing the values of QoS attributes are problematic, as the current UDDI was not designed to accommodate these emerging requirements. To solve the problems of storing QoS in UDDI and aggregating QoS values using the tModel approach. The aim is to study these approaches and other existing QoS tModel representation for their efficiency and consistency in service discovery. This paper discusses a broad range of research issues such as web service discovery or web service selection based on QoS in the E-Business domain.

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