Emergent Mind

Local resilience and Hamiltonicity Maker-Breaker games in random-regular graphs

Published Nov 23, 2009 in math.CO , cs.DM , and math.PR


For an increasing monotone graph property $\mP$ the \emph{local resilience} of a graph $G$ with respect to $\mP$ is the minimal $r$ for which there exists of a subgraph $H\subseteq G$ with all degrees at most $r$ such that the removal of the edges of $H$ from $G$ creates a graph that does not possesses $\mP$. This notion, which was implicitly studied for some ad-hoc properties, was recently treated in a more systematic way in a paper by Sudakov and Vu. Most research conducted with respect to this distance notion focused on the Binomial random graph model $\GNP$ and some families of pseudo-random graphs with respect to several graph properties such as containing a perfect matching and being Hamiltonian, to name a few. In this paper we continue to explore the local resilience notion, but turn our attention to random and pseudo-random \emph{regular} graphs of constant degree. We investigate the local resilience of the typical random $d$-regular graph with respect to edge and vertex connectivity, containing a perfect matching, and being Hamiltonian. In particular we prove that for every positive $\epsilon$ and large enough values of $d$ with high probability the local resilience of the random $d$-regular graph, $\GND$, with respect to being Hamiltonian is at least $(1-\epsilon)d/6$. We also prove that for the Binomial random graph model $\GNP$, for every positive $\epsilon>0$ and large enough values of $K$, if $p>\frac{K\ln n}{n}$ then with high probability the local resilience of $\GNP$ with respect to being Hamiltonian is at least $(1-\epsilon)np/6$. Finally, we apply similar techniques to Positional Games and prove that if $d$ is large enough then with high probability a typical random $d$-regular graph $G$ is such that in the unbiased Maker-Breaker game played on the edges of $G$, Maker has a winning strategy to create a Hamilton cycle.

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