Emergent Mind

Optimization and Evaluation of Nested Queries and Procedures

Published Nov 3, 2009 in cs.DB


Many database applications perform complex data retrieval and update tasks. Nested queries, and queries that invoke user-defined functions, which are written using a mix of procedural and SQL constructs, are often used in such applications. A straight-forward evaluation of such queries involves repeated execution of parameterized sub-queries or blocks containing queries and procedural code. An important problem that arises while optimizing nested queries as well as queries with joins, aggregates and set operations is the problem of finding an optimal sort order from a factorial number of possible sort orders. We show that even a special case of this problem is NP-Hard, and present practical heuristics that are effective and easy to incorporate in existing query optimizers. We also consider iterative execution of queries and updates inside complex procedural blocks such as user-defined functions and stored procedures. Parameter batching is an important means of improving performance as it enables set-orientated processing. The key challenge to parameter batching lies in rewriting a given procedure/function to process a batch of parameter values. We propose a solution, based on program analysis and rewrite rules, to automate the generation of batched forms of procedures and replace iterative database calls within imperative loops with a single call to the batched form. We present experimental results for the proposed techniques, and the results show significant gains in performance.

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