Emergent Mind

Secure Source Coding with a Helper

Published Oct 30, 2009 in cs.IT and math.IT


We consider a secure source coding problem with a rate-limited helper. In particular, Alice observes an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) source X and wishes to transmit this source losslessly to Bob over a rate-limited link. A helper (Helen), observes an i.i.d. correlated source Y and can transmit information to Bob over a separate rate-limited link. A passive eavesdropper (Eve) can observe the coded output of Alice, i.e., the link from Alice to Bob is public. The uncertainty about the source X at Eve, is measured by the conditional entropy of the source given the coded output of Alice. We completely characterize the rate-equivocation region for this secure source coding model, where we show that Slepian-Wolf binning of X with respect to the coded side information received at Bob is optimal. We next consider a modification of this model in which Alice also has access to the coded output of Helen. For the two-sided helper model, we characterize the rate-equivocation region. While the availability of side information at Alice does not reduce the rate of transmission from Alice, it significantly enhances the resulting equivocation at Eve. In particular, the resulting equivocation for the two-sided helper case is shown to be min(H(X),R_y), i.e., one bit from the two-sided helper provides one bit of uncertainty at Eve. From this result, we infer that Slepian-Wolf binning of X is suboptimal and one can further decrease the information leakage to the eavesdropper by utilizing the side information at Alice. We finally generalize these results to the case in which there is additional un-coded side information W available at Bob and characterize the rate-equivocation regions under the assumption that Y-X-W forms a Markov chain.

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