Emergent Mind

Computation of Spatial Skyline Points

Published Sep 4, 2009 in cs.CG and cs.DS


We discuss a method of finding skyline or non-dominated sites in a set $P$ of $n$ point sites with respect to a set $S$ of $m$ points. A site $p \in P$ is non-dominated if and only if for each $q \in P \setminus {p}$, there exists at least one point $s \in S$ that is closer to $p$ than to $q$. We reduce this problem of determining non-dominated sites to the problem of finding sites that have non-empty cells in an additively weighted Voronoi diagram under a convex distance function. The weights of said Voronoi diagram are derived from the coordinates of the sites of $P$, while the convex distance function is derived from $S$. In the two-dimensional plane, this reduction gives an $O((n + m) \log (n + m))$-time algorithm to find the non-dominated points.

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