Emergent Mind

Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images Using Colour and Texture Attribute

Published Aug 27, 2009 in cs.IR and cs.MM


Grouping images into semantically meaningful categories using low-level visual feature is a challenging and important problem in content-based image retrieval. The groupings can be used to build effective indices for an image database. Digital image analysis techniques are being used widely in remote sensing assuming that each terrain surface category is characterized with spectral signature observed by remote sensors. Even with the remote sensing images of IRS data, integration of spatial information is expected to assist and to improve the image analysis of remote sensing data. In this paper we present a satellite image retrieval based on a mixture of old fashioned ideas and state of the art learning tools. We have developed a methodology to classify remote sensing images using HSV color features and Haar wavelet texture features and then grouping them on the basis of particular threshold value. The experimental results indicate that the use of color and texture feature extraction is very useful for image retrieval.

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