Emergent Mind

A Strong Direct Product Theorem for Disjointness

Published Aug 20, 2009 in cs.CC


A strong direct product theorem states that if we want to compute $k$ independent instances of a function, using less than $k$ times the resources needed for one instance, then the overall success probability will be exponentially small in $k$. We establish such a theorem for the randomized communication complexity of the Disjointness problem, i.e., with communication $const\cdot kn$ the success probability of solving $k$ instances of size $n$ can only be exponentially small in $k$. We show that this bound even holds for $AM$ communication protocols with limited ambiguity. This also implies a new lower bound for Disjointness in a restricted 3-player NOF protocol, and optimal communication-space tradeoffs for Boolean matrix product. Our main result follows from a solution to the dual of a linear programming problem, whose feasibility comes from a so-called Intersection Sampling Lemma that generalizes a result by Razborov.

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