Emergent Mind

Classification by Set Cover: The Prototype Vector Machine

Published Aug 17, 2009 in stat.ML


We introduce a new nearest-prototype classifier, the prototype vector machine (PVM). It arises from a combinatorial optimization problem which we cast as a variant of the set cover problem. We propose two algorithms for approximating its solution. The PVM selects a relatively small number of representative points which can then be used for classification. It contains 1-NN as a special case. The method is compatible with any dissimilarity measure, making it amenable to situations in which the data are not embedded in an underlying feature space or in which using a non-Euclidean metric is desirable. Indeed, we demonstrate on the much studied ZIP code data how the PVM can reap the benefits of a problem-specific metric. In this example, the PVM outperforms the highly successful 1-NN with tangent distance, and does so retaining fewer than half of the data points. This example highlights the strengths of the PVM in yielding a low-error, highly interpretable model. Additionally, we apply the PVM to a protein classification problem in which a kernel-based distance is used.

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