Emergent Mind

Complex networks: A mixture of power-law and Weibull distributions

Published Aug 5, 2009 in cs.NI , cond-mat.stat-mech , and physics.soc-ph


Complex networks have recently aroused a lot of interest. However, network edges are considered to be the same in almost all these studies. In this paper, we present a simple classification method, which divides the edges of undirected, unweighted networks into two types: p2c and p2p. The p2c edge represents a hierarchical relationship between two nodes, while the p2p edge represents an equal relationship between two nodes. It is surprising and unexpected that for many real-world networks from a wide variety of domains (including computer science, transportation, biology, engineering and social science etc), the p2c degree distribution follows a power law more strictly than the total degree distribution, while the p2p degree distribution follows the Weibull distribution very well. Thus, the total degree distribution can be seen as a mixture of power-law and Weibull distributions. More surprisingly, it is found that in many cases, the total degree distribution can be better described by the Weibull distribution, rather than a power law as previously suggested. By comparing two topology models, we think that the origin of the Weibull distribution in complex networks might be a mixture of both preferential and random attachments when networks evolve.

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