Emergent Mind

Reachability-time games on timed automata

Published Jul 20, 2009 in cs.CC , cs.DS , cs.GT , and cs.LO


In a reachability-time game, players Min and Max choose moves so that the time to reach a final state in a timed automaton is minimised or maximised, respectively. Asarin and Maler showed decidability of reachability-time games on strongly non-Zeno timed automata using a value iteration algorithm. This paper complements their work by providing a strategy improvement algorithm for the problem. It also generalizes their decidability result because the proposed strategy improvement algorithm solves reachability-time games on all timed automata. The exact computational complexity of solving reachability-time games is also established: the problem is EXPTIME-complete for timed automata with at least two clocks.

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