Emergent Mind


We present a general framework for computing two-dimensional Voronoi diagrams of different classes of sites under various distance functions. The framework is sufficiently general to support diagrams embedded on a family of two-dimensional parametric surfaces in $R3$. The computation of the diagrams is carried out through the construction of envelopes of surfaces in 3-space provided by CGAL (the Computational Geometry Algorithm Library). The construction of the envelopes follows a divide-and-conquer approach. A straightforward application of the divide-and-conquer approach for computing Voronoi diagrams yields algorithms that are inefficient in the worst case. We prove that through randomization the expected running time becomes near-optimal in the worst case. We show how to employ our framework to realize various types of Voronoi diagrams with different properties by providing implementations for a vast collection of commonly used Voronoi diagrams. We also show how to apply the new framework and other existing tools from CGAL to compute minimum-width annuli of sets of disks, which requires the computation of two Voronoi diagrams of two different types, and of the overlay of the two diagrams. We do not assume general position. Namely, we handle degenerate input, and produce exact results.

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