Emergent Mind

Information-theoretic limits of selecting binary graphical models in high dimensions

Published May 16, 2009 in cs.IT , cs.LG , math.IT , math.ST , and stat.TH


The problem of graphical model selection is to correctly estimate the graph structure of a Markov random field given samples from the underlying distribution. We analyze the information-theoretic limitations of the problem of graph selection for binary Markov random fields under high-dimensional scaling, in which the graph size $p$ and the number of edges $k$, and/or the maximal node degree $d$ are allowed to increase to infinity as a function of the sample size $n$. For pairwise binary Markov random fields, we derive both necessary and sufficient conditions for correct graph selection over the class $\mathcal{G}{p,k}$ of graphs on $p$ vertices with at most $k$ edges, and over the class $\mathcal{G}{p,d}$ of graphs on $p$ vertices with maximum degree at most $d$. For the class $\mathcal{G}{p, k}$, we establish the existence of constants $c$ and $c'$ such that if $\numobs < c k \log p$, any method has error probability at least 1/2 uniformly over the family, and we demonstrate a graph decoder that succeeds with high probability uniformly over the family for sample sizes $\numobs > c' k2 \log p$. Similarly, for the class $\mathcal{G}{p,d}$, we exhibit constants $c$ and $c'$ such that for $n < c d2 \log p$, any method fails with probability at least 1/2, and we demonstrate a graph decoder that succeeds with high probability for $n > c' d3 \log p$.

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