Emergent Mind

A Recommender System to Support the Scholarly Communication Process

Published May 11, 2009 in cs.DL and cs.IR


The number of researchers, articles, journals, conferences, funding opportunities, and other such scholarly resources continues to grow every year and at an increasing rate. Many services have emerged to support scholars in navigating particular aspects of this resource-rich environment. Some commercial publishers provide recommender and alert services for the articles and journals in their digital libraries. Similarly, numerous noncommercial social bookmarking services have emerged for citation sharing. While these services do provide some support, they lack an understanding of the various problem-solving scenarios that researchers face daily. Example scenarios, to name a few, include when a scholar is in search of an article related to another article of interest, when a scholar is in search of a potential collaborator for a funding opportunity, when a scholar is in search of an optimal venue to which to submit their article, and when a scholar, in the role of an editor, is in search of referees to review an article. All of these example scenarios can be represented as a problem in information filtering by means of context-sensitive recommendation. This article presents an overview of a context-sensitive recommender system to support the scholarly communication process that is based on the standards and technology set forth by the Semantic Web initiative.

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