Emergent Mind

On Superposition Coding for the Wyner-Ziv Problem

Published Apr 6, 2009 in cs.IT and math.IT


In problems of lossy source/noisy channel coding with side information, the theoretical bounds are achieved using "good" source/channel codes that can be partitioned into "good" channel/source codes. A scheme that achieves optimality in channel coding with side information at the encoder using independent channel and source codes was outlined in previous works. In practice, the original problem is transformed into a multiple-access problem in which the superposition of the two independent codes can be decoded using successive interference cancellation. Inspired by this work, we analyze the superposition approach for source coding with side information at the decoder. We present a random coding analysis that shows achievability of the Wyner-Ziv bound. Then, we discuss some issues related to the practical implementation of this method.

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